The aim of this group is to explore ‘classical music’ in a variety of ways and enjoy, as a group, both listening to, and watching performances of, selected pieces of music using audio CD, video DVD disks and other formats. Our programme for the year follows an agreed theme and each piece is chosen to illustrate a particular aspect, with suitable introductions and group discussions. We try to exclude opera performances in our programme as there is already a flourishing U3A group which covers this. Members of the opera group may find our coverage of classical music also of interest and they would be most welcome to join the group. Some members volunteer to facilitate meetings so that this lead role is more equitably shared during the year. Whilst all are encouraged to “have a go” at introducing a chosen piece of music, this is by no means essential and members who just wish to sit back and enjoy a classical music performance are equally welcome! It’s rewarding to share our reactions to, and feelings for, a particular piece of music and in doing so we try to avoid the unnecessary use of ‘theoretical language’. We should emphasise that taking part in our group doesn’t require any particular musical skills or knowledge. Our responses, and our ways of talking about our responses to the music and the performances, will differ and they are all in their own way equally valid and interesting – members should just feel free to enjoy what they hear and say what they think of it. We are a friendly group with a good sense of camaraderie! It is also refreshing that members with more detailed knowledge of a particular piece, or composer, share this with the group to everyone’s benefit. From time to time, we may also touch on the different ways of accessing and reproducing classical music in today’s technology driven world. Contact:
We meet monthly from October – June, at 2.00 – 4.00 p.m. on the third Friday of each month.
Our meetings are held in the Star Room, John Gray Centre Library, Haddington, which provides a large viewing screen, video projector and hi-fi sound system.